Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Benifits of Training

There are many benefits to training, including a greater level of fitness, flexibility, and stamina.
You will also achieve better coordination and balance physically and mentally. Due to the constant nature of change in the training and working under pressure you will be more equipped to handle any situation in a relaxed yet alert manner. Which will ultimately relieve stress and fatigue from the mind and body.

Topics: Kung Fu, Chi Kung, Knife Defense, Steve Smith, Escrima, Fitness, Tae Kwan Do, Aikido/Aiki Jutsu, Karate, Fook Yueng, Non-Classical Gung Fu, Korean Karate, Bruce Lee, Self-defense, Ba-Gua, Internal Arts, Chi Sao, Chin-na, Martial Arts, Coeur d'Alene, Post Falls, St. Maries

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